
"I have mixed feelings about filing." More often, concerns lie in a “gray area” of vague uneasiness, sketchy details or uncertainty about what is actually happening. The decision to file a report regarding child abuse of any kind is almost always complicated by the reporter’s relationship to the...
You can stop Treatment for people who struggle with harmful or abusive sexual behaviors is available. If you are motivated to stop abusive behaviors and to get specialized treatment, you can learn to change your behaviors and live a healthy, fulfilling, and productive life. Having the support and...
Stop It Now! has a confidential toll-free Helpline (1.888.PREVENT). If you are concerned about your sexualized thoughts or behaviors towards children, you can call the Stop It Now! confidential, toll-free Helpline at 1.888.PREVENT (1.888.773.8368). No caller ID is used on this line. Get access to...
It’s never too late to begin the process of recovery Adults who have had experiences of sexual abuse as children need and deserve a chance to speak about their experiences with those who understand and can help. Survivors of child sexual abuse can also play a critical role in the prevention of...
Now is the time to seek help. If you know someone who is having sexual thoughts about children or who feels sexually aroused by a child’s presence, this is the time to seek help. It is important to that they take steps now to keep themselves from being sexual in the presence of a child. With...
Feeling caught in a loyalty bind If you’re the non-offending parent of a child who has been abused by a sibling or by the other parent, you can find yourself caught in a painful bind. As a loving parent, you want to do everything in your power to protect the abused child, keep them safe, comfort...
File a report with Child Protective Services? If the suspected abuse is taking place within a family, or between a child and another person who is in a caretaking role to the child, such as a teacher or day care provider, you should file a report with Child Protective Services. File a report with...
A trained therapist can help your child express their feelings. Children don’t always feel free to express how they’re feeling to a parent or other adult they care about. In fact, the love they feel towards these adults makes children want to protect them. They’re scared that bringing up difficult...
If you are thinking of speaking up about a possible situation of child sexual abuse, you may face practical concerns of how this will impact your family. Here are answers to some common questions people face when deciding how to take action on concerning behaviors. How will my relationships survive...


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