Circles of Safety Course Info

Awareness to Action - Session 2


Day 1

9:00-9:30am Introductions, welcome, training overview and goals
9:30-9:40am Stop It Now! approach
9:40-10:00am Prevention strategy overview; exercise
10:00-10:30am Adult responsibility overview, why children don’t disclose; exercise
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45am-12:00pm Scope of sexual abuse: language, definitions and facts, family safety planning introduction; activity

Day 2

9:00-9:15am Icebreaker, reflections and thoughts
9:15-10:15am Children’s healthy sexual behaviors from infancy thru adolescent; exercises
10:15-10:30am Break
10:30-11:15am Prevention tasks infant to adolescent; exercises
11:15am-12:00pm Healthy touch, modeling, safety planning; exercises

Day 3

9:00-9:15am Icebreaker, reflections and thoughts
9:15-9:45am Talking to children about healthy sexuality and sexual abuse, safety planning; exercises
9:45-10:30am Healthy or unhealthy play, children’s sexually inappropriate behavior
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-11:15am Warning signs in children, children’s harmful sexual behaviors; exercises
11:15am-12:00pm Children’s abusive behaviors, responding to disclosures; exercises

Day 4

9:00-9:15am Icebreaker, reflections and thoughts
9:15-10:00am Myth busting, warning signs in adults’ behaviors
10:00-10:30am Let’s Talk Guidebook, communication skills; exercises
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-11:15am Role plays, debrief; exercise
11:45am-12:00pm Post-surveys

Course objectives

  1. Explain the scope of child sexual abuse and explain key steps of sexual abuse prevention.
  2. Detect and respond to warning signs in adults’ behaviors of their risk to sexually abuse a child.
  3. Detect and respond to warning signs in children that indicate they are at risk for being sexually abused or have been abused.
  4. Detect and respond to risk factors in children’s environments that increase the risk of sexual abuse.
  5. Summarize children’s sexual development tasks through adolescence.
  6. Indicate knowledge of protective tasks for adults to engage with children and youth to decrease their vulnerability to sexual abuse.
  7. Demonstrate recognition of children’s behaviors that do not fall within normative healthy sexual behavior.
  8. Discuss safety planning as a tool for sexual abuse prevention.
  9. Identify barriers that prevent protective responses to risks of sexual abuse.
  10. Practice effective conversation skills in having difficult conversations with adults who are crossing boundaries with children.
  11. Differentiate children’s sexual behaviors from adult’s sexual behaviors.
  12. Summarize common myths about adults who sexually abuse children.