
It takes a lot of courage to reach out about something so personal. Feeling like you have a secret can be an isolating and scary experience, but there are resources that can help.

The internet makes watching pornography easy, and sometimes this viewing behavior starts to slide out of control. A person may find themselves looking at more and more extreme material, may be shown explicit images of classmates, and may eventually seek out or stumble upon child pornography.

It is important to know that viewing child pornography is illegal, and it's understandable that seeing it may have been an intense and confusing experience for you. Importantly, child pornography includes any sexually explicit imagery of kids - whether they are 6 or 16.

You are not alone. Others have gone through this and there are resources that can help you feel in control, and protect yourself and others.

Contact our helpline.

The Stop It Now! helpline (1.888.PREVENT) strives to provide support, guidance and information to those who wish to speak confidentially with our helpline staff about thoughts, feelings or behaviors that are worrisome. Our phone lines and chat are open Monday thru Friday from 12pm to 6pm EST, and you can also reach us through email.

Get immediate crisis support.

Crisis Text Line is a free, 24/7 support for those in crisis. Text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.

Continue reading.

Stop It Now! believes that people who might sexually abuse a child have an important role to play in prevention. Below is a list of helpful resources if you are having sexual thoughts or fantasies towards younger children. Please note: the following pages were written for an adult audience, but the information may be helpful in understanding your feelings.

You are not alone in this. You deserve support.