Schools & Youth Serving Organizations

Children’s safety in school, camps, sports and in other extracurricular activities is more likely assured when organizations, staff and parents learn about the steps and resources they can take to create a safer environment. Providing children with healthy sexuality education and actions they can...
Anyone may file a report In all states in the US any person concerned for the welfare or safety of a child can voluntarily file a report. You do not have to be in a professional relationship with a family to contact Child Protective Services (CPS) or police on behalf of a child. Remarkably, some...
"What’s my responsibility as a mandated reporter?" Professionals who work with families and children are, in most states, legally required to report suspected cases of child abuse to the authorities. If you have any questions about whether or not you are a mandated reporter in your state, please consult with your supervisor or the statutes for mandated reporting in your state. You can review the statutes at the Child Welfare Information Gateway .
Protecting Children from Sexual Harm: What Teachers and Child Care Providers Need to Know We all know the importance of making schools and daycare setting places where children feel and are safe. Here are some steps that teachers and child care professionals can take to help protect children and...
More than a third of all sexual abuse of children is committed by someone under the age of 18. Children, particularly younger children, may take part in inappropriate interactions without understanding how it might be hurtful to others. For this reason, it may be more helpful to talk about a child’...
There is no doubt that loving support is key to helping a child heal from sexual abuse or overcome a sexual behavior problem. But sometimes we can feel loving without knowing what loving steps we can take to help our children. As a parent or caretaker, here are some loving actions you can take to...
Faith communities offer children wonderful opportunities to develop spiritually and to be part of a larger, caring community. Close caring relationships with adults are an important protective factor for children. Families who are struggling often particularly need the friendship and informal...
Talking to kids can be an important part of prevention. “How much should I explain to them?” Many parents struggle with the question “what do I tell my kids?” As your children grow and mature, each family must decide what works for the culture of their particular household. What is most important...


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