Safety Planning

No, most children who have been sexually abused do NOT go on to sexually abuse children Just as there is no such thing as a typical “sexual abuser” there is no such thing as a typical “victim.” How children process the experience of having been sexually abused varies widely and depends on many...
There are many reasons why it’s difficult to speak about child sexual abuse, especially as it affects our own lives or the lives of those we care about. In most societies child sexual abuse is a taboo topic, making it difficult for most people to talk about it openly. Other obstacles include...
Talking to kids can assist in prevention What do I tell my kids? Many parents struggle with this question. As your children grow and mature, each family must decide what works for the culture of their particular household. What is most important for kids to understand is that abuse is never a child...
Decide first if it is safe for you to have a conversation When your safety is at risk, it is simply not an option to speak directly with the person whom you know or suspect has abused a child, particularly in situations of domestic violence. In such instances it’s advisable to speak with a domestic...
What stops us from seeing abuse? It’s very disturbing to imagine that someone you know could be sexually harming a child. Without certain proof of abuse, it’s so much easier to dismiss such thoughts or to think you’re overreacting. You may also be worried about the possible consequences of taking...
Intervening early is key It is crucial to address concerns for youth at-risk to sexually abuse, especially as they approach an age at which they can be held legally accountable for their actions. The stakes only get higher if you wait. Act now. Some things to keep in mind when talking to a child or...
Protecting Children from Sexual Harm: What Teachers and Child Care Providers Need to Know We all know the importance of making schools and daycare setting places where children feel and are safe. Here are some steps that teachers and child care professionals can take to help protect children and...
Not all inappropriate sexual behavior indicates a significant problem. Not all children who show sexually concerning behavior have an established sexual behavior problem requiring ongoing professional attention. For some kids there may have been a one-time lapse in judgment. Some young children act...


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