Warning Signs

You can find help to determine if sexual play between children is a problem. When presented with a sexual behavior in a child, it is not always obvious whether or not the behavior is anything to be concerned about. Knowing what is developmentally expected is the first place to start. Understanding...
Risk of being perceived as a negligent or "unfit" parent Take steps immediately when you realize a child is at risk or has been harmed. It is critical that you demonstrate your serious concern by doing what you can to prevent any additional abuse of the child. If it is determined by child...
We all have personal likes and things that make us uncomfortable. “Personal space” is the private area of control inside an imaginary line or boundary that defines each person as separate. Ideally, that boundary helps us stay in charge of our own personal space. It helps keep out the things that...
Someone you care about may be acting in ways that worry or confuse you. The behaviors below could indicate a possible risk that they may sexually abuse a child, but may also be a way for this adult to ask for help. Many people with sexual behavior problems believe that others already suspect they are crossing a line and often wish someone would ask what’s going on or advise them where to go to get help. Remember, you can start a conversation by pointing out harmful impacts on a child without accusing someone of abusive intentions.
Many people who sexually abuse children have shared that they had sexual thoughts or fantasies about children before they ever acted on those thoughts and feelings. And, many people who have sexual thoughts or fantasies about children never act on those thoughts or feelings. Sexual thoughts or...
The registries don’t keep children safe, protective adults do The state by state sex offender registries were meant to assist law enforcement and probation and parole officers in the supervision of those who have been convicted of sex crimes not to create conditions of greater danger to community...
What stops us from seeing abuse? It’s very disturbing to imagine that someone you know could be sexually harming a child. Without certain proof of abuse, it’s so much easier to dismiss such thoughts or to think you’re overreacting. You may also be worried about the possible consequences of taking...
"I have mixed feelings about filing." More often, concerns lie in a “gray area” of vague uneasiness, sketchy details or uncertainty about what is actually happening. The decision to file a report regarding child abuse of any kind is almost always complicated by the reporter’s relationship to the...


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