
Intervening early is key It is crucial to address concerns for youth at-risk to sexually abuse, especially as they approach an age at which they can be held legally accountable for their actions. The stakes only get higher if you wait. Act now. Some things to keep in mind when talking to a child or...
The law indicates who can consent to sex and who cannot. The law recognizes that children are developmentally not able to make decisions about some things, including when to engage in sexual behaviors. Laws vary by state, but a common age of consent is 16. Engaging in sexual behaviors with someone...
Protecting Children from Sexual Harm: What Teachers and Child Care Providers Need to Know We all know the importance of making schools and daycare setting places where children feel and are safe. Here are some steps that teachers and child care professionals can take to help protect children and...
Not all inappropriate sexual behavior indicates a significant problem. Not all children who show sexually concerning behavior have an established sexual behavior problem requiring ongoing professional attention. For some kids there may have been a one-time lapse in judgment. Some young children act...
"I am a survivor worried about a situation where a child may be at risk." You have valuable instincts that can help prevent abuse If you are concerned about the safety of a child, we encourage you to trust your gut feelings. Sometimes vague feelings of discomfort or the sense that “something just...
Talking to your child or teen about sex and sexuality gets easier the more you practice. The more a child knows about their own sexuality the less they will need to rely on peers or other adults who may take advantage of that child’s lack of information. Children who understand their bodies and...
Children are by nature vulnerable to those more powerful than they are. Sexual abuse does not occur because of a particular quality in the child, but solely because of traits or decisions made on the part of the person abusing. Yet, if we can understand why some children may be more likely to be...
It can be hard to acknowledge that all of us, even children, are sexual beings, have sexual feelings and are curious about sex and sexuality. Children’s curiosity can lead to exploring their own and each other’s body parts by looking and touching. They may peek when family members are in the...
Faith communities offer children wonderful opportunities to develop spiritually and to be part of a larger, caring community. Close caring relationships with adults are an important protective factor for children. Families who are struggling often particularly need the friendship and informal...
Don’t wait. If you are concerned about keeping your child safe from sexual abuse, now is the time to create a safer environment for everyone in your family. Prevention means promoting healthy behaviors rather than waiting to punish violations. The most effective sexual abuse prevention happens...


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