
You can learn to recognize typical behaviors. If you are a parent or work with children, learning about sexual development is key to preventing child sexual abuse. You can learn to recognize typical behaviors -- as well as the concerning behaviors that need intervention. You can learn to talk to...
Creating safe environments for student athletes in both competitive and leisure sports activities is possible when all adults, including parents and those in athletic youth-serving programs, commit to learning warning signs when codes of conduct are breached, how to speak up when there is a concern...
Children’s safety in school, camps, sports and in other extracurricular activities is more likely assured when organizations, staff and parents learn about the steps and resources they can take to create a safer environment. Providing children with healthy sexuality education and actions they can...
Social media and the internet offer kids many opportunities for education, entertainment and connection. It has become a part of our everyday lives and a necessary component in many ways, even for young children. It goes beyond the computer, accessible through mobile devices, gaming platforms and...
All children are curious about sex. The more children know about their own sexuality, the less likely it is that others will take advantage of them because of their lack of knowledge. Having ongoing conversations with children and teens about their own developing sexuality is an important part of...
We already know how difficult it is for children to talk about experiencing sexual harm or abuse, whether by an adult or by another child. When sexually abusive behavior occurs online, some children may not even realize they are being abused or exploited; and those who do still may not tell anyone...
No, most children who have been sexually abused do NOT go on to sexually abuse children Just as there is no such thing as a typical “sexual abuser” there is no such thing as a typical “victim.” How children process the experience of having been sexually abused varies widely and depends on many...
Talking to kids can assist in prevention What do I tell my kids? Many parents struggle with this question. As your children grow and mature, each family must decide what works for the culture of their particular household. What is most important for kids to understand is that abuse is never a child...
If you’re not really sure they have a problem: Letting someone know that their abusive behaviors are not invisible to others can be an effective measure in helping an adult stay safe from crossing the line with a child. Some adults do not understand fully what behavior is appropriate with children...
Danger of the Internet People can get in trouble before they even realize it. When it is so easy to access sexually explicit materials on the Internet, users can find themselves acting on curiosities they didn’t have before. Some people find themselves losing control over their use of pornography,...


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