Advocacy & Training

"What’s my responsibility as a mandated reporter?" Professionals who work with families and children are, in most states, legally required to report suspected cases of child abuse to the authorities. If you have any questions about whether or not you are a mandated reporter in your state, please consult with your supervisor or the statutes for mandated reporting in your state. You can review the statutes at the Child Welfare Information Gateway .
Find a specialist you are comfortable with Instead of bringing your child to a general child therapist, look for a professional therapist or counselor who works primarily with children who have been sexually abused, and who has specialized training and experience treating sexually abused children...
Protecting Children from Sexual Harm: What Teachers and Child Care Providers Need to Know We all know the importance of making schools and daycare setting places where children feel and are safe. Here are some steps that teachers and child care professionals can take to help protect children and...
Every situation is unique. Reacting to a child’s disclosure of sexual abuse with the right amount of appropriateness, care and sensitivity is not easy. No one ever does it perfectly. And if, in addition, the person committing the abuse is someone we love, the sense of betrayal makes it more complex...
Talking to your child or teen about sex and sexuality gets easier the more you practice. The more a child knows about their own sexuality the less they will need to rely on peers or other adults who may take advantage of that child’s lack of information. Children who understand their bodies and...
Children are by nature vulnerable to those more powerful than they are. Sexual abuse does not occur because of a particular quality in the child, but solely because of traits or decisions made on the part of the person abusing. Yet, if we can understand why some children may be more likely to be...
Can a child be charged criminally for sexual behavior? Children can be legally charged for criminal sexual conduct. The laws in each state vary, but in some cases children can be charged criminally for sexual behaviors with other children. Depending on the severity of the activity, the behavior...
It can be hard to acknowledge that all of us, even children, are sexual beings, have sexual feelings and are curious about sex and sexuality. Children’s curiosity can lead to exploring their own and each other’s body parts by looking and touching. They may peek when family members are in the...
More than a third of all sexual abuse of children is committed by someone under the age of 18. Children, particularly younger children, may take part in inappropriate interactions without understanding how it might be hurtful to others. For this reason, it may be more helpful to talk about a child’...
For protective adults, a wide range of emotional reactions are possible Following a disclosure, reactions can vary greatly for non-offending parents and other protective adults. You may feel surprised by some of your thoughts and feelings and might find it difficult to share them with others. Below...


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