Adult Behaviors

If you are concerned about the safety of a child, we encourage you to trust your gut feelings. Sometimes vague feelings of discomfort or the sense that “something just isn’t right” can be an indication that something less visible is occurring in the background. Please take time to explore the...
The Facts About Child Sexual Abuse Surveys of adults reveal that as many as one in three girls and one in six boys have been sexually abused before the age of eighteen. And the trauma of sexual abuse can affect the emotional and physical health of those children for the rest of their lives. Nine...
Social media and the internet offer children and youth many opportunities for education, recreation, and socialization. It has become a part of our everyday lives and a necessary component in many ways, even for young children. There are many fun and positive experiences available for everyone,...
Children learn best in safe environments. Most child care providers and teachers know that protecting children from physical harm includes taking actions such as monitoring stairway entrances. But what about keeping children safe from sexual harm? What actions can be taken then? Protecting Children...
NOTE: These tip sheets provide parents and caregivers of children with disabilities the information they need to keep their child safe from sexual abuse. Every child, disability, means of communication, and family situation is unique. Use this information with your situation in mind. This is a lot...
If you suspect a child is being sexually abused, getting the proper help and support is vital. Typically, the situations that require reporting are: A child and/or adult shows numerous and consistent warning signs of abuse or being at risk to abuse A child has stated that they are being abused by...
What Is Considered Child Sexual Abuse? If you are not exactly sure what sexual abuse is, you’re not alone. All sexual touching between an adult and a child is sexual abuse. Sexual touching between children can also be sexual abuse. Sexual abuse between children is often defined as when there is a...
If you are someone whose sexual thoughts or behaviors about children concern you, and/or put children at risk for sexual abuse, there is help available for you so that no child is harmed. Stop It Now! asks all adults to be accountable and take responsibility for their behavior. When an adult who is...


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