Facts & Stats

This page includes sensitive terms and topics. It’s wonderful that you’re looking to learn more about how to talk to the kids you care for about their bodies. This is such an important part of abuse prevention! Just as you teach children that a nose is a nose, they need to know what to call their...
These guidelines can help you create an environment to better protect your family from sexual abuse. By understanding what puts children at risk of sexual abuse, we can take actions to counter those risks. Together we can create a community safety net with information and assistance to protect...
We all have personal likes and things that make us uncomfortable. “Personal space” is the private area of control inside an imaginary line or boundary that defines each person as separate. Ideally, that boundary helps us stay in charge of our own personal space. It helps keep out the things that...
More than a third of all sexual abuse of children is committed by someone under the age of 18. Children, particularly younger children, may take part in inappropriate interactions without understanding how it might be hurtful to others. For this reason, it may be more helpful to talk about a child’...
Someone you care about may be acting in ways that worry or confuse you. The behaviors below may indicate a possible risk of sexual abuse to a child, but may also be a way for this adult to ask for help. Many people with sexual behavior problems believe that others already suspect and often wish...
Bringing up concerns about a child’s sexual behavior to his or her parents may feel awkward and even scary, but when you become aware of a child engaged in unhealthy sexual activity, it’s time for action steps. Parents who can work together and communicate concerns they have about children are...
A neighbor tells you about a “pedophile down the street,” you learn of a “sexual predator” who’s a member of your faith community, the local paper reports on “child molesters hanging around” at your kid’s school. What can you do? You thought your neighborhood was pretty safe. Suddenly, your sense...
Talking To Coaches Who Show Inappropriate Interest In Kids Too often, the news carries stories about a bus driver, teacher, or even coach who sexually abused a child, stories that leave us wringing our hands. And yet, how many of us know what to watch out for or how to talk to our child when the...
Experience has taught us that actions by adults can be more effective than expecting kids to protect themselves from sexual abuse. Still, we know that children also need accurate, age-appropriate information about child sexual abuse and confidence that adults they know will support them. Clear...


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